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Manufactures 12th scale
Web Links A selection of links that are all related to 12th scale car manufactures.
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  Link   IRS - Irrgang Racing Service
Pancar axles, pod plates shocks and more.
  Link   Team Laje SpeedEvil
Product line consists of SpeedEvil and 1/10 pan car SpeedEvilPro10.
BMI Racing is know for their excellent aftermarket chassis for most popular electric cars on the market. There latest release for 12th scale is now a complete car kit. The DB12R is completely different car as it uses two L-bars instead of a T-bar. We
  Link   Corally R/C - Team Corally Site
Corally produces the SP12M, SP12M “Ahoniemi Euros Spec” and latest version SP12X. The SP12X will come also in a special SP12X David Spashett 2006 World’s Edition.
  Link   Calandra Racing Concepts
Team CRC amkes the following cars for 12th scale: CRC Carpet Knife 3.2 and Team Red T-Fource. Carpet Knife is a link car as the T-fource is t-bar.
  Link   Team Speed Merchant
The makers of the speedmerchant REV.4. It is linked based car using the old skool front end.

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